Well, it's official...

I am nerdier than 80% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to find out!

I'm a "high-nerd." If that's a bit like "high-elf" I just want everyone to know that I've never been involved in any kinslaying - I went the other way (and if you know that that means, you probably should take the test).

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Calvin Park said…
In that case you can call me Manwe. ;-)
Unknown said…
I scored an 82.

I don't know if being labeled more nerdy then you is a good thing or not....
wezlo said…
Melanie, you have a science degree, you should score higher. Calvin - yes lord...
JimG said…
d00d, my mrs.q & 1 b0th pwn u!!!! ;-)
Unknown said…
You forget most of the questions have to do with computer technology. I am not quite as up to speed with that as many people. I don't happen to know any programing languages (unless you count html) and I still like windows (due to a lack of much exposure to anything else).
wezlo said…
You like windows?

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