Will Bowling Tourment

Here's my thoughts on the tournament:
- Next time we need to have 2 Wiis to cover the first two rounds. Round one took forever (especially since my son knocked over the Wiil and the machine reset in the middle of a game). 2 Wii's will make it go faster, and it'll be a lot more fun. Good thing just about everyone who bowled today said they were getting a Wii at the soonest opportunity!
- Kids rock at Wii. We absolutely have to get over the "I'm past that life-stage" mentality (or "not to the life-stage mentality) in Central - we're better than we were, but it's still very prevalent. Yet, this was truly a family event with kids, parents, grand-parents, and great grand-parents all participating - and the kids just swing their arms and our-score all the "knowledgeable" adults.
- We need more events like this - so that an ethic of community beyond the cliques which naturally form in a dysfunctional system can be replaced. It was so cool seeing these 28 people (plus a few more) hanging out, cheering, and laughing at the insanity of fake-bowling. May we have more frivolous times of celebratory rest!
- Larry is a nut, that's the best compliment I can give him.