A Whole New World...

Well, I haven't posted on it yet, but most folks know that I've started using a Mac as my everyday computer. Now, I tolerated working with Macs back in the days of OS 8 and 9 (and cringed any time I was forced to work with Mac OS 7.x), but I never really was "a mac guy." In fact, it was while I was working in a Mac environment, a public middle school, that I jumped into the world of Linux and never looked back.
Then, much to my delight, Mac decided that they needed a CLI after all (they didn't, actually, but I got one anyway) and put OS X on top of a BSD core. I, however, wasn't in the price-range for a mac at the time and never really got a chance to play around with OS X. Until now, that is.
After watching the Church secretary struggle with using an aging Windows 98 machine that started forgetting which drivers it had installed, I determined that she really needed a Mac mini. There was some resistance to the idea of getting a Mac, but we went forward and the secretary has been doing quite nicely with it. While I was setting it up, I got the bug.
I love Linux, I really do. Without Linux I wouldn't be half the geek I am, and I wouldn't ever have access to the creation tools I've been using for the last several years. Yet, as I used the Mac I realized that all the things I do on Linux could be done easier, and in less time, in the Mac environment. So when I laid out my technology plan for the Church (so we never had a repeat of the a dying Windows 98 machine) I pointed out that what I really needed was a Mac. The Church graciously agreed and now I have a nice MacBook. Guess what? Those time-savings I was expecting to have turned out to be real. This thing is so easy it's nuts.
Linux is still around, it's on my old laptop and it still runs my MythTV box - but for my personal work, it's Mac all the way. Now I just need to get one for my wife...